Strategies for Synchronous Online Learning

The strategies and ideas below were developed collaboratively by a group of instructors during a “crash course” on teaching with Zoom workshop. The facilitators used breakout rooms and a collaborative Office 365 document for participants to brainstorm. Their work is presented here, along with additional ideas and resources for synchronous online learning.

What’s the strategy’s name? How does the strategy work? Share links to help others try the strategy
Polling Poll students on various questions using an online tool. Highlight or show results during the meeting.
  • TopHat
  • Microsoft Forms
  • PollEverywhere
Dress Up Challenge Challenge everyone to (a) pick a theme and (b) dress up during a synchronous session (or rotate different themes each week) 13 virtual theme party ideas
Intro videos Use video discussions to construct an introductions activity (outside of the synchronous session) so students and you can share more about yourself and the environment you’ll be working in
Bring Your Pet to School Day Have everyone bring their pet(s) with them to a Zoom session
Make Discussions Not Suck Consider different formats and “protocols” for setting up your discussion activities
Class Map Create a Google Map of where students are from – they submit their hometown, you put it into a custom map to share out Making a map with layers
Entry / Exit Ticket Do a quick form, check-in, poll to gauge where learners are and how they’re doing (I.e. muddiest point, what did you learn today) in less than 5 minutes at the beginning or end of class
Breakout rooms Allow students to have small group discussions, utilize during curriculum planning Managing breakout rooms
Padlet Having students share their ideas/thoughts on post-it notes on a wall
Think/Pair/Share Throw out a question, put students in break out rooms to discuss, come together as a whole group to chat In Praise of Think-Pair-Share
Zoom poll Set up polls in Zoom to assess student learning and engagement
Kahoot Trivia/pop quizzes or just making sure students are paying attention/engaged with the day’s lesson or a previous lesson