QM11 Guided Self-Review – Assignment Descriptions

Evaluating Assignment Descriptions

Your syllabus should include clear instructions about how students can get started with the course and where to find everything. Since your course will likely be online or hybrid, your materials should be accessible through Carmen. You can just tell them to access Carmen and tell them which module to begin with (we suggest Start Here). If your plan differs, be sure to let students know. It is suggested that you put this information either just before Course Materials or at the beginning of the Assignment Description section (for more information, see the EHE Syllabus Template.)

The most important piece of this standard is the description of assignments. If you followed the method of review in the previous standard, you may already have these well in hand. To meet this criteria, you will want to make sure that your assignment descriptions,

  • Match up to at least one learning objective
  • Describe the assignment fully enough that a student who has never seen it could figure out what to do
  • Link it to a later assessment where appropriate. For example, if you have students learning how to research using classroom discussion, in order to build their skills for their big paper, tell them that.
  • Explain how the work will be assessed – rubric, graded automatically through Carmen, peer review, etc.
  • Finally, be sure your assignments are tied to the grading policy