EHE Course Quality Assurance

Why Course Quality Assurance?

Using research-based practices and standards, quality assurance measures can help instructors improve the quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of the course design and instruction. It is also a critical step in the curricular review process. The EHE Course Quality Assurance process is based on Quality Matters standards and Universal Design for Learning.

The EHE Course Quality Assurance process was developed to meet approved guidelines from the Curriculum Committee for all online course offerings. The approved review process focuses on 11 parts of the syllabus which align to specific Quality Matters standards. In an effort to streamline the process for getting online syllabi approved, our team has created and curated this set of resources to set you up for success by walking you through a guided self-review prior to submitting your syllabus for the QM11 review.

4 steps of the EHE Course Quality Assurance process

  1. Utilize the EHE Syllabus Template to set up your course syllabus
  2. Review Course Learning Objectives to the QM11 review standards
  3. Conduct a guided self-review of your syllabus and make updates as needed
  4. Submit your revised syllabus for a QM11 review


Review Process: Maximizing Success

Check out the video below for the top 2 tips for maximizing success during the review process.


1. EHE Syllabus Template

Use the EHE Syllabus Template for your syllabus. This template was designed with the QM11 review process in mind and ensures that you have the most up-to-date institutional policies and helpful tips at your disposal. You can cut and paste from other documents into the syllabus template, or type your work right into the syllabus template.

Even if you’ve previously used the EHE Syllabus Template for your syllabus, please update your syllabus with the template to confirm your syllabus has the most accurate policy and procedure information. 


2. Review Course Learning Objectives

An essential step in the QM11 review process is reviewing the course learning objectives. 

During the QM11 review, the reviewer will assess the course learning objectives based on QM standards. Specifically, the reviewer will look for measurability, if the learning objectives are appropriate for the course level, and if the learning objectives can be measured through the course activities and assessments.

Check out the video below that walks you through how to review your course learning objectives to meet the QM11 review.


3. Guided Self-Review 

Next, please conduct a self-review of your syllabus through our guided review checklist.

What to expect: Self-Review

  • The guided-self review is set up as a Qualtrics checklist and will walk you through the elements included in the QM11 Review.
  • Have your syllabus handy while going through the self-review.
  • Make changes to your syllabus as you go – there are guides and resources provided.

If helpful, please refer to our Synthesized Rubric which outlines the 11 parts of the QM11 review that the reviewer will conduct. This synthesized rubric lists the page from the EHE Syllabus Template where that part can be found along with the QM Standard it adheres to.

When you are ready to begin your self-review, please visit QM11 Self-Review or select the button below to begin. 

4. Submit for QM11 Review

After completing the guided Self-Review on Qualtrics, please submit your syllabus for the QM11 review through our EHE QM11 Syllabus Review Request form or by selecting the button below.

Once submitted our team will conduct the final QM11 review and provide you with the results that you can use in your submission for online courses going up for review by the EHE Curriculum Committee. 



Additional Resources

EHE Syllabus Template – crafted specifically with OSU EHE courses in mind

Information on Learning Objectives

Bloom’s Taxonomy

Synthesized Rubric – shows how the QM11 rubric aligns with the EHE Syllabus Template and QM Standards